Carter is such a funny little kid. He has a very unique personality and vocabulary. Here are some of the words and phrases I hear daily and their translations:
Pake-cape (batman or superman)
buckle seat-car seat
bumper skate-skateboard or as Bennett called them skateboard mans
boogers monster-boogey monster, which he thinks comes at night and gives you boogers
poopy gas-fart
darkinthere-it's dark
Aba Joey-Ava Joy
Hunrey-I'm hungry
nakeds-I want a bath
Mote-t.v. remote (when he says this it really means he doesn't like what you are watching)
the end-Amen
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Best Kids Ever!
I really do have the best kids ever. We definately have our crazy times, but it amazes me every week that I can sit through a whole sacrament meeting by myself with three kids. They are wonderful. Today in sacrament I brought orange slices for a snack. Carter was holding them up to his ear and pretending it was a phone. The row behind us was laughing so hard, which was encouraging him to continue. He is such a funny kid. Bennett is happy with an activity book and Ava loves to sit on my lap and look around. It is probably the most mellow hour of our whole week. I am very blessed.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Princess and The Pony
My boys love superheroes and are constantely battling each other. I get so tired of the rough housing. Today I was trying to get them out of the house and into the car and they were just pushing and shoving each other. I got frustrated and said, "knock it off or you can't be superheroes anymore. Not even for Halloween." Bennett's little tender heart got sad and he said, "then what can we be?" I said the first thing that came to my head, "you can be a pony or a princess, your choice". Long story short, he does not want to be a pony or a princess. So now, all I have to say is, "Bennett you will be such a cute pony", and he stops wrestling with Carter. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.
Hocus Pokus
Today Bennett was watching Wizards of Waverly Place while I was trying to get him to help me pick up the toys. He told me, "no mom, I really need to watch this so I can work on my magic". To which I replied, "well then, next time you tell me you're hungry, I'm going to tell you that I can't get you any food because I am working on my magic." Bennett's reply was, "okay mom, I will help you." Then he walked over to where I was cleaning and pointed his magic wand at me and said, "make mom clean up faster!"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I Saw Green
Here is a very small glimpse of what my basement looked like today. It's a good thing he is so cute or I might have thrown him in the garbage. Thank goodness I got most of the marker off everything. The only things still marked are fabric and his face. Any suggestions?
Listen to the Still Small Voice
Today as we were driving home from school, Bennett was yelling at me about something. I chose to ignore him hoping he would realize that the way he was talking was not appropriate. He stopped yelling and was silent for a minute, then he said, "mom, someone was whispering in my ear. I think it was the Holy Ghost." I asked him what the Holy Ghost was saying and he said that he didn't want to tell me. After a very long time he said, "he told me to stop yelling at my mom."
Permanent Marker
Today while I was putting Ava to sleep, Carter tagged a majority of the basement with green magic marker. I was so mad, at first I just screamed. Not at him, but to the universe. It was just so much green, everywhere! Then I might have screamed at him a little. But, carefree little Carter just looked at me and walked away as if nothing was going on. Well, I told him that all the toys that he colored on were ruined and that they were going in the garbage. I thought that would make him feel bad and maybe cry in remorse. No. He didn't care that his brand new Christmas toys were heading to the garbage. Bennett was more concerned about Carters toys saying, "but mom, Carter loves that". Which was sweet of him to show some love towards his brother, until he discovered that Carter colored on his own chair and one of his books. Then, Bennett screamed to the universe, just as I did. He then said to me, "mom, I am so mad at Carter. I don't think we should throw the toys away. We should throw Carter away! No, I didn't mean that, but I am mad." FYI, hand sanitizer wipes permanent marker off of most surfaces with ease.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My Big Girl
Now that Carter is going to be a big boy and sleep in his bed, Ava decided that she is going to be a big girl and sit up in her Bumbo chair. She loves being able to watch what her brothers are doing. She is a very happy girl.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Aunt Jackel
Daddy's Little Girl
Scott is so head over hills for this little girl, and she feels the same way about him. When he talks, she strains her neck to find him in the room. I have to retrain Ava to sleep at night after Scott goes back to work at the beginning of the week because he goes in and picks her up at the slightest of cries and they hang out together. They have a very special bond.
Gingerbread Houses
So, I failed to blog most of what went on in December. I will try to update you with some of what we did. Grandpa Jay was a huge help with the Gingerbread houses. He helped Carter with his house and everytime I looked at Carter he was putting more candy in his mouth and my dad chose to ignore it. I guess that is the fun of being a grandparent. You let your grandkids do everything you wouldn't let your kids do. I was surprised when we woke up the next morning and nobody had vommited.
Bar Graph
This is one of my favorite pictures from December. I can't believe they are all sitting still and looking in the same direction long enough for me to snap a picture. They are the cutest kids ever!
My Big Boy
My little baby boy is officially a big boy. He is asleep in his own bed tonight for the first time. For the last week he has been climbing out of his crib in the morning when he wakes up. Which I have been okay with because he doesn't get out during the night, just in the morning. Well, the last 2 nights he has been climbing from his crib into Bennett's bed which is the top of a bunk bed, and the two of them play and giggle until I come in and get mad at them. So, tonight I got frustrated and moved Carters crib away from Bennetts bed thinking that would solve the problem. I was wrong. Carter still tried to climbed into Bennetts bed and fell and got hurt. So now the crib is a dangerous playground and will be taken out of the room in the morning. I told Carter he had to be a big boy now and sleep in the toddler bed. It took him a while to fall asleep, but he didn't once get out of bed. I am a little scared for what this new venture could turn into, but it had to happen sometime. As much as I would like to keep Carter locked up at night, I very well couldn't have a 10 year old still sleeping in a crib.
My Super Heroes
This is pretty much how we spend our days lately. Carter brings me his Robin costume every morning and says, "Robin mommy, Robin". On Sunday he wanted to wear it to church and I told him he couldn't wear it to church but he could put it on when he got home. Which he immediately did. He wore it 4 days in a row and even slept in it one night. This morning I told him he could not wear it (because it is filthy)and he said, "church?" He has the funniest personality. When he is in character (which is 90% of the day) he is so serious. I think, he really thinks he is Robin or whatever the character of choice is for that momment. It rotates between Robin, Batman, Astroboy (which is who he was when he split his lip open because he really thought he could fly down the stairs) a monkey or a snake. Have I left any out? At any given momment he can change character without any notice and gets irritated that you don't know. He is the most fun kid and makes me laugh all the time.
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