Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Super Heroes

This is pretty much how we spend our days lately. Carter brings me his Robin costume every morning and says, "Robin mommy, Robin". On Sunday he wanted to wear it to church and I told him he couldn't wear it to church but he could put it on when he got home. Which he immediately did. He wore it 4 days in a row and even slept in it one night. This morning I told him he could not wear it (because it is filthy)and he said, "church?" He has the funniest personality. When he is in character (which is 90% of the day) he is so serious. I think, he really thinks he is Robin or whatever the character of choice is for that momment. It rotates between Robin, Batman, Astroboy (which is who he was when he split his lip open because he really thought he could fly down the stairs) a monkey or a snake. Have I left any out? At any given momment he can change character without any notice and gets irritated that you don't know. He is the most fun kid and makes me laugh all the time.
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