Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lt. Waddell

Scooter is officially an Officer in the United States Air Force. It was so cool to be able to go to his graduation. I am so proud of what he has accomplished. I can't imagine going through the stress and the regime that was recquired for this advancement. He was so relieved to have it over with.
His brother Jeff was able to come all the way from Turkey. Since Jeff is also an Officer in the Air Force, he was able to give the State oath to Scott. Those pictures are on another memory card and will be posted later. It was so fun to see these two brothers together. They are not only accomplished military members, but are also respectable husbands and fathers. They have turned out to be incredible men.
Scott was given the responsibility of being the Guide on Bearer. It was quit an honor to have this responsibility. It also required hours and hours of practice. The parade was really fun to watch and it was nice to have Jeff with me. He explained why they were doing what they were doing and what all the different responsibilities were.
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Christy said...

Great pictures! I am so proud of my boys. Thank you for posting these pictures. I am also very happy you got to go to the graduation. You needed to experience that.

Jeff&Rachel said...

NICE! Good job Scott. Love the pictures, and thanks for letting Jeff tag along. He loved being there too.

Jaquel Andrews said...

You 2 look so great! What an awesome accomplishment Scott!