Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Beach

We all LOVE being at the beach. Well, all of us except Ava. She was mad that the sand was getting her shoes dirty. Oh, please!

We ate dinner on the beach, along with the ducks (seagulls).
The boys loved being chased by the waves.
Ava was not impressed. She sat on a towel the whole time.
Maybe next year.


netgoat said...

Were you at Mission Beach? I think we ate breakfast at the same restaurant you are at in the picture. We stayed in a condo down the boardwalk from the restaurant. Thank you for updating your blog. So much fun to see you guys enjoying the beach. It sounds like your trip was a little too exciting. But as always you know how to make the best of things. What a great looking family.

Christy said...

I just noticed the bow in her hair matches her swimsuit. Wow, that was excellent work on your part Jayme.