Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Carnival

Tonight we went to our wards Halloween carnival. I was fun and there were tons of kids there for Bennett to play with. His costume didn't last long enough to get a picture (it was to hot). We had dinner (Bennett ate chocolate pudding and three very soft cookies) and then there were carnival games for the kids. Bennett hit the Bishop in the face with a wet sponge. After the games there was a costume parade and trick-or-treating for the kids. Carter pooped out early, so Scott took him home. Bennett and I stayed till the bitter end. It was a lot of fun. Good shot Bennett!
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Anthony and Ashley said...

This is Ashley. I'm so glad my mom told me about your blog, your family is so cute and you are such a great mom. I love you guys and wish we were closer! Give all the kids a squeeze from me and tell your little hip-hopper we need to have a dancing party : ) !!!!

Meme said...

Ashley, It's good to here from you. Bennett went and saw High School Musical 3 and learned a lot of new moves. He would love to show you. We'll see you in a couple of weeks.