Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Scooter's in Turkey

Scooter has been in Turkey for a little over two weeks now. He is doing well, but can't wait to get home and wrestle with the boys (I can't wait either). This is the mosque in Adana which is the closest city to him.

Monday, March 16, 2009

To Catch a Leprechaun...

Bennett is so excited for St. Patrick's day tomorrow. I put Carter to bed tonight and was going to let Bennett stay up a little later because he had a late nap, when Bennett started crying because he wanted to go to bed so that it could be St. Patrick's day. I think this is bigger than Christmas. Now that he is in bed, he is to excited to sleep. It is 11 o'clock and I can still hear him tossing and turning and talking to himself a little. This is the trap that Bennett set to catch the "Sneaky" Leprechaun. If you can't tell there is a car in there (something shiny to catch his eye) and a Cheeto for a snack after he's caught. This was all Bennetts idea. We'll update you tomorrow on what happens.
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Naughty Little Bennett

The difference between the two is that Carter knew he was doing something wrong and pulled the puppy dog eyes, like he always does when he's being naughty. Bennett just laughs because he thinks it's fun. It's a good thing there so cute.
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Naughty Carter

I had just got Carter out of the bath and ready for bed and was in the process of getting Bennett in his pajamas when I heard a SPLASH!
I knew without looking, what Carter was up to. He tries to do this everynight, but I usually am one step ahead of him and close the bathroom door while the tub is draining. He saw his opportunity when the door was open and went for it. Bennett came in to see what was going on and said, "naughty little Carter". Which was funny to me becuase I have almost the exact same picture of Bennett when he was about the same age.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bennett's Insights

Bennett had a mobil of the solar system hanging above his bed. Last week he got the picture of Mars down and brought it into me and said, "Jesus kicked the planet". You can understand my confusion. He brought the picture closer and pointed to what appears to be a crater (the large circle on the surface of the planet) and said, "See this dent? That's where Jesus kicked the planet. You know, like the picture by the stairs at church." On Sunday when we walked into church he pointed to the picture and said, "see mom, Jesus is kicking the planet". This is the picture hanging above the stairs in our church building. http://www.ldscatalog.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/LDSItemFullsizeImageView?catalogId=10151&storeId=10151&productId=4099276460822277352&langId=-1
I can't even begin to fathom the amount of information he is processing in his mind at any given time. No wonder he sleeps so soundly.


I Have a Major Laundry Problem!

I walked out of my bedroom today and Bennett and Carter popped out of the laundry basket and scared me half to death. I'm not really sure how Bennett got Carter into the basket but I do know that a step stool was used. Most likely Carter was pushed in head first. No harm done, obviously. They were laughing so hard that they couldn't breath. Funny little monsters.
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February 2009

Bennett learnes to ski! Bennett and I both took ski lesson up at Alta. We had so much fun. Throughout the month we had 4 lessons and I am now a confident green skier and Bennett is a pro at making pizza wedges and french fries with his skis. He can't wait to do it again. I think he was the littlest skier out there. The little bug was so stinken cute.
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January 2009

So, I am a little behind on the blog. I thought I would give a quick update of the last two months. We're having another baby! Bennett changes his mind every other day whether it is a boy or a girl. However, what does not change are the names he likes. Bernie, if it's a boy and Anna if it's a girl. We're hoping for a girl!
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