Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of School

Bennett was so ready for his first day of school that he woke up 4 time during the night to see if it was time yet. I can't believe that he is 4 and that next year at this time I will be sending him off to kindergarten. If you ask him, he had a great first day of school. If you ask his teacher, you might get another story. When I picked him up she told me that he had a rough day and was a little naughty. She said that he tested boundaries all day and that she stayed right on top of him so that he would learn right up front what the rules were. She also told me that they were going to bond quickly and be good friends. As a teacher I know what that means. I was deciphering everything she said and knew what kind of day she had had with him. I might of cried a little and blamed it on just having a baby. When he got in the car he told me that his teacher took his name tag off because she already knew his name. He was proud of that. Even though the first day was rough, the second day his teacher told me he was a totally different kid, more like the Bennett she knew from last year. Phew, was I ever glad to hear that. Leave it to Bennett!
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1 comment:

Christy said...

That picture really captures Bennett's personality. He is so much fun. I totally love him.