Saturday, October 24, 2009

6 Weeks


I can't believe my little Ava is 6 weeks old already. While I feel that I have been extremely unproductive over the last 6 weeks, Ava has accomplised a lot. She abandoned her bassinet at 3 weeks old, preferring her crib in her own room. She has definately put on weight. She watches her brother intently. She holds her head up very well. She has had her first runny nose:( However, my favorite accomplishment is that she has learned to smile and despite my sleepless nights and crazy days, it melts my heart and I can't help but to smile back. It makes it all worth it.
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Jeff&Rachel said...

She is so sweet! She looks like Carter to me.

Christy said...

When she smiles she looks just like Scott when he was a baby. He would smile and it was all mouth.