Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sea World

As crazy as a vacation with 3 little kids is, we still had a great time. Sea World was a hit with all of the kiddos. The weather was nice, the crowds were low and mom and dad were happy. The day brought many firsts:
Ava's first amusement park ride (she loved it!)

The boys first encounter with a polar bear (as Carter would say, "Sarkey")
3 cuties on an Arctic Exploration
Carter picked up a Sea Star (and tried to bring it home)
...and Bennett willingly rode a ride that went up in the air.


netgoat said...

Way to go Bennett! You are getting so brave. It looks like you had lots of fun on that ride. Did it tickle your tummy?

Christy said...

It looks like you all had a great time. I am so glad you were able to go on that short vacation.