Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Three Little Blessings

I am so thankful for these three little kids. I am sure you have heard me complain or give a frustrated sigh over the past couple of months and where I do feel crazy most of the time, I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything. I have so much to be grateful for and I don't take a second of it for granted. I have learned so much from my kids. I am grateful for the quiet times when we read books together or the little questions Bennett asks when we are driving in the car, my heart melts everytime I see one of the boys give Ava a kiss and Ava's smile can brighten the worst of days (even at three in the morning). Sometimes I wonder what made me think having three kids so close together was a good idea, but when I see them with each other I am overwhelmed with love and know that this time will pass to quickly and I need to remember to enjoy it. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving with much love wherever you are this holiday.
The Waddell's
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Christy said...

Honestly, Jayme, you complain about things a lot less than anyone else I know. You just seem to go with the flow. I want to be you when I grow up.

Anthony and Ashley said...

Jayme, you are super mom! You have three very lucky kids, I have no idea how you do it...I feel accomplished if I shower during the day and I only have one : )

Stephanie said...

Your children are so adorable and I love them so much. I hope when I have kids someday that I will be as wonderful a mother as you. Love ya!

netgoat said...

Jayme, I wish we could have been in Salt Lake for Thanksgiving. I know we miss out on so much. Next year for sure. What a sweet little family you have. I'm so proud of you. You do a great job. All you have to do is look at these adorable children and you can see how happy they are. You truly are blessed.