Friday, June 25, 2010

Jack Pot

After dinner at Pirate Island we stayed and let Bennett and Carter play a few games. Whenever we go to places like this I never let the boys turn in the tickets. I just hate the junk and the indecision. They have always just thought having tickets was cool. Well, Bennett put his 2 tokens into this game first and kachow! Jack pot! He won 504 tickets. It was so crazy. The machine just kept spewing out tickets. It took what seemed like 10 minutes for all of the tickets to come out.

Bennett and his dad then had to feed all of the tickets into the ticket counter.
They then got a receipt which they cold take to the prize store.

Bennett picked these boomerangs. They were 250 points each and he got one for him and one for his brother.
He is such a thoughtful kid. Even on his birthday he gets something for both of them. I am so proud of the person he is becoming. I still can't believe he will be 5 next week. Even thought I hate that he is getting older, I love seeing the sweet, caring little, I mean big, boy he is turning into.

I think he would agree that this was a perfect start to many days of celebrating.
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1 comment:

Jeff&Rachel said...

I am loving all these pictures! As always, we miss you guys and look forward to a cousin reunion in December.