Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Another successful Howell Easter Egg Hunt.

Due to threatening weather, it was moved to the church this year. Carter ran in grabbed a few pieces of candy, sat down and started eating. Bennett hung back until the crowds died down (not surprising) and then picked up a few stragglers of candy. He had nice friends who shared what they got with him.

Ava loved the Easter Bunny!

This has been one of Bennetts best friends since they were babies. We don't get to see her as often as we would like. Bennett came up and asked if he could use my camera. He wanted a picture of Ari and then had me take this picture of them. It's hard to believe they will both go to kindergarten this year.

What can I say? You can't go wrong with a bounce house.
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1 comment:

Christy said...

ONe of my students just broke his ankle jumping off a bounce house. Teenagers are too big so they just do stupid things like that to have fun. Go figure...