Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We braved the weather and took the boys to Escalante for a little camping trip. It was cold, our air matress had a hole in it, and we woke up to snow. If it weren't for our boys, it would have been the worst camping trip ever. However, the boys thought it was the greatest trip we have ever been on. To see their excitement, made it really fun. As I was trying to sleep on the cold ground with both boys laying on my face, I couldn't help but laugh. They were so excited to sleep in a tent. When it got dark Bennett asked where the light switch was!

We made it through the cold night and cleaned up camp before going for a quick hike.

Bennett is such a leader, and Carter is always happy to follow.

The view of the city from the top of the hike. I love this picture of my three cute boys. It was worth every bit of coldness.
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1 comment:

Christy said...

I love that Bennett was using the camelback I gave him.