Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Big Boy

My little baby boy is officially a big boy. He is asleep in his own bed tonight for the first time. For the last week he has been climbing out of his crib in the morning when he wakes up. Which I have been okay with because he doesn't get out during the night, just in the morning. Well, the last 2 nights he has been climbing from his crib into Bennett's bed which is the top of a bunk bed, and the two of them play and giggle until I come in and get mad at them. So, tonight I got frustrated and moved Carters crib away from Bennetts bed thinking that would solve the problem. I was wrong. Carter still tried to climbed into Bennetts bed and fell and got hurt. So now the crib is a dangerous playground and will be taken out of the room in the morning. I told Carter he had to be a big boy now and sleep in the toddler bed. It took him a while to fall asleep, but he didn't once get out of bed. I am a little scared for what this new venture could turn into, but it had to happen sometime. As much as I would like to keep Carter locked up at night, I very well couldn't have a 10 year old still sleeping in a crib.
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