Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Permanent Marker

Today while I was putting Ava to sleep, Carter tagged a majority of the basement with green magic marker. I was so mad, at first I just screamed. Not at him, but to the universe. It was just so much green, everywhere! Then I might have screamed at him a little. But, carefree little Carter just looked at me and walked away as if nothing was going on. Well, I told him that all the toys that he colored on were ruined and that they were going in the garbage. I thought that would make him feel bad and maybe cry in remorse. No. He didn't care that his brand new Christmas toys were heading to the garbage. Bennett was more concerned about Carters toys saying, "but mom, Carter loves that". Which was sweet of him to show some love towards his brother, until he discovered that Carter colored on his own chair and one of his books. Then, Bennett screamed to the universe, just as I did. He then said to me, "mom, I am so mad at Carter. I don't think we should throw the toys away. We should throw Carter away! No, I didn't mean that, but I am mad." FYI, hand sanitizer wipes permanent marker off of most surfaces with ease.

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