Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Princess and The Pony

My boys love superheroes and are constantely battling each other. I get so tired of the rough housing. Today I was trying to get them out of the house and into the car and they were just pushing and shoving each other. I got frustrated and said, "knock it off or you can't be superheroes anymore. Not even for Halloween." Bennett's little tender heart got sad and he said, "then what can we be?" I said the first thing that came to my head, "you can be a pony or a princess, your choice". Long story short, he does not want to be a pony or a princess. So now, all I have to say is, "Bennett you will be such a cute pony", and he stops wrestling with Carter. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Boy, does that reminde me of Scott and Jeff when they were little. They could not keep their hands off each other. I have 7th graders that are still like that so it may not end anytime soon :)